Category Archives: Fr. Jim Reflections

Feast of Corpus Christi 2024

MESSAGE FROM FR JIM: Happy Corpus Christi. Today, as we gather to celebrate the feast of Corpus Christi, we are reminded of the profound mystery of the Eucharist—the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. In this sacrament, heaven … Continue reading

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The Risen Christ invites each of us to experience the radiance of His light. This is not meant to be a solitary endeavour but a transformative experience that naturally compels individuals to share it with others. In the simplest of … Continue reading

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3rd Sunday of Lent 2024

In today’s Gospel, symbolic gestures demonstrate the authority of Jesus and His commitment to restoring the true purpose of the temple as a house of prayer. The Lord is calling attention to the need for spiritual renewal and purification, both … Continue reading

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2nd Sunday of Lent 2024

Abraham’s journey is one of profound sacrifice and unwavering trust. He faced the ultimate test of faith when God called upon him to offer his own son as a sacrifice. Despite the unimaginable pain and heartache this command must have … Continue reading

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1st Sunday of Lent 2024

In today’s Gospel, we are reminded of how Jesus was driven into the wilderness by the Holy Spirit for forty days and forty nights and was tempted by Satan. The narrative of the wilderness in the Gospel has a profound … Continue reading

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Sunday before Lent 2024

As Lent commences, it offers a moment for introspection and spiritual renewal. This period prompts us to reflect on our lives, our faith, and our relationship with the divine. It’s a time to pause, to turn inward, and to realign … Continue reading

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New Year’s Eve 2023

As we step into the New Year, let us embrace the promise of hope and boundless opportunities. May our hearts be filled with unwavering faith in the Risen Jesus, drawing strength from His eternal love and guidance. In the spirit … Continue reading

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4th Sunday of Advent & Christmas 2023

This year, we swiftly move from the reflective moments of the Fourth Sunday of Advent to the joyous celebration of Christmas. The preparation of Advent leads us to rejoice in the birth of a child, a symbol of hope and … Continue reading

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3rd Sunday of Advent 2023

Gaudete Sunday is a day of rejoicing amidst our Advent journey. We find cause for joy even during the penitential season of waiting, as symbolised by the pink candle on the Advent wreath. As we draw closer to the celebration … Continue reading

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2nd Sunday of Advent 2023

The voice of John the Baptist conveys a timeless and vital message that the world urgently needs to hear. As a society engulfed in distractions, materialism, and self-centered pursuits, John’s call for repentance aims to refocus the mind on what … Continue reading

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