
Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, 21st July 2024


Monday, 22nd July : St Mary Magdalene 12.30 p.m.

Tuesday, 23rd July : St Bridget NO MASS

Wednesday, 24th July : Requiem Mass (Leonard Golding) 11.00

Thursday, 25th July : St James, Apostle 12 noon

Friday, 26th July : Ss. Joachim & Anne (Expos. 11.30) 12 noon

Saturday, 27th July : 11.00 a.m. & 6.15 p.m. (Sunday Vigil)

Sunday, 28th July : 10.30 a.m. (SH) & 12.30 p.m. (St Anne’s)


St Mary Magdalene (Monday) : One of the Lord’s most devoted disciples, she was born in Magdala in the region of Galilee and for that reason is often referred to as ‘Mary of Magdala’. She stood by Jesus during his last agony on the cross and, according to the gospels of Mark and John, was the first to see the Lord after his Resurrection on Easter morning.

St Bridget (Tuesday) : Born in Sweden, she was the mother of eight children, among them St Catherine of Sweden. After her husband’s death, Bridget founded the religious order known as the Bridgettines and is reported to have received a number of mystical revelations. She corresponded with European monarchs, promoting peace and the return of the papacy from Avignon to Rome. Bridget made pilgrimages to Jerusalem and Rome, where she spent her final years. She has the title of Patron of Europe.

St James (Thursday) : This apostle was born in Bethsaida, the son of Zebedee and brother of John. The pair were often linked in the gospel stories: together with St Peter, they witnessed the Transfiguration of the Lord and were present during Jesus’ agony in the Garden of Gethsemane on the eve of his crucifixion. James suffered martyrdom at the hands of Herod in Jerusalem c.44, the first of the Twelve to so lose his life. St James is especially venerated in Spain at Santiago de Compostela. Pilgrimages on foot are regularly made by people from all parts of Europe to the cathedral there.

Ss. Joachim & Anne (Friday) : These patronal saints of our parish are traditionally named as the parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary and grandparents of Jesus. They remind us that the Word truly became flesh in the context of a particular family. Our devotion to these saints is an extension of our love of Mary and her divine Son.

ANNIVERSARIES : Frank Charnock, James Charnley, Agnes Cafferty, Robert Black, Anne Jepson, Joseph Kennedy, John W. Parrington, Barbara Ann Watson, Dolores Dilli Rana, Elizabeth Gallagher, Stanley Wood, Austin Hibbins, Anthony Regan, Marie Anderson, John Francis Hodgkinson. We continue to pray for Amy Longworth whose requiem mass was celebrated on Friday and also remember Leonard Golding, recently deceased, whose requiem will be celebrated at Sacred Heart on Wednesday of this week at 11.00 a.m. Lord, grant them eternal rest in your heavenly kingdom.

COLLECTIONS : Offertory £431.15 (Sacred Heart £329.90; St Anne’s £101.25). Parish Pound (Sacred Heart) £130.75. Very many thanks for your generous contributions.

ST ANNE’S SCHOOL : The Year 6 children presented a superb, very colourful production based on the musical ‘Barnum’ last Monday afternoon. Their Leavers’ Mass was celebrated on Tuesday, a lovely farewell occasion attended by the whole school. The children conducted themselves impeccably, showing impressive reverence on entering the church and in following the mass. The hymns were given full voice too! They and their teachers are to be congratulated on portraying St Anne’s as a truly happy family school which gives due emphasis to its Catholic ethos.

300 CLUB JULY DRAW : Prizewinners from last Sunday’s draw are : £70.00, No.51, N. Allen; £20, No. 195, Peter Watkins; £20, No. 55, Angela Bennison.

A CHORUS LINE’ : Our trip to The Lowry for this definitive tap-dance musical is on Wednesday of this week (24th July). The coach will leave from Holy Souls’ Church at 5.30 p.m. and from Sacred Heart at 5.50.

BINGO in the Parish Room on Thursday this week from 2.15.