Today we are encouraged to lighten the solemn mood of Advent and rejoice (‘gaudete’) at the imminent birth of the infant Saviour. To mark the occasion, the rose-coloured candle in the Advent wreath is lit today.
PARISH CAROL SERVICE at Sacred Heart next Sunday (22nd) at 3 p.m. We will again be welcoming the school choir from St Anne’s. Mulled wine, tea / coffee, soft drinks and mince pies will be served afterwards in the Parish Room. Please come and join us if you can.
Newsletter – 15 December 2024
This week’s newsletter can be viewed here
If you wish to know as soon as the next newsletter is published (and you are on facebook) then please like our facebook page.
Contributions to Sacred Heart & St Anne
Donations can be made via the collection plate in Church or direct from your bank account, the details of which can be found here
If you pay tax please consider adding gift aid to your contribution which would enable the parish to claim an extra 25% courtesy of the taxman at no cost to yourself. If this is something you would like to consider please contact me here with your phone and email address and I will ask Margaret, our gift aid co-ordinater, to get in touch.
Current gift aid donors can ignore this paragraph as we will pick up the information from their names if they donate online
Advent Giving
Frances shares different ways we can give to the Foodbank this advent as other option/s to our usual collecting boxes at the back of church, and also highlights the CAFOD World Gifts Just click here to read
RHS Bridgewater “Glow”
More images from the Parish trip a Wednesday evening in late November can be viewed here
You can still catch images from Anne’s party and other memories from our History & Archive page
Parish Facebook
In order to be able to keep parishioners informed whenever Father Jim makes any communications or when the website is updated with newsletters etc we have created a Parish Facebook page.
If you have a facebook account please visit and like the page so that you will then be automatically notified whenever this website is updated otherwise please visit this page periodically to check for any updates
For those parisioners without a facebook account I have embedded a feed from it below so everyone will be able to access the latest 5 postings to the page