Donating to Sacred Heart & St Anne

This joint bank account began operating in November 2020 so if you have standing orders which were set up some time ago with the old individual parish accounts you will need to replace them with these new account details

What is the name of the bank account?
The Salford Diocesan Trust Sacred Heart and St Anne

What details do I need to set up a direct transfer or standing order online?
Sort Code : 20-55-58
Account Number : 90628042
Account Name  : The Salford Diocesan Trust. (please do not omit the ‘The’)
If you are asked to specify, it is a ‘business account’.

Does this mean I am now donating directly to the Salford Diocese instead of the parish?
No definitely not, you will be paying directly into the parish funds as you have always done. The electronic banking system can only handle a certain number of characters when processing online payments hence the abbreviated account name of The Salford Diocesan Trust regarding setting up the online payments above. The sort code and account number ensure funds reach our parish account.

I do not do online banking, can I set up a standing order through my local branch?
Of course you can and to simplify the matter you can download a new standing order mandate to print, complete and give/post to your local bank branch by clicking here

I donate by cheque, who should I make it out to?
Please make your cheque payable to Sacred Heart & St Anne although just Sacred Heart or St Anne are also acceptable . 

If there is anything else you are worried about concerning the banking details by all means get in touch with Brian via our contact form or via message/comment on our facebook page.