
Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time, 8th September 2024


Monday, 9th September : St Peter Claver 12 noon

Tuesday, 10th September : St Ambrose Barlow, Martyr 12 noon

Wednesday, 11th September : Requiem Mass (St Anne’s) 11.30 (Margaret Cumpstey)

Thursday, 12th September : The Most Holy Name of Mary 12 noon

Friday, 13th September : St John Chrysostom, Martyr (Exposition from 11.30 a.m.) 12 noon

Saturday, 14th September : THE EXALTATION OF THE HOLY CROSS 11.00 a.m. & 6.15 p.m. (Sunday Vigil.)

Sunday, 15th September : 10.30 a.m.(SH) & 12.30 p.m. (St Anne’s)


St Peter Claver (Monday) : Born in Spain in 1580, he studied in Barcelona before becoming a Jesuit. He joined the Jesuit mission in Colombia, where he spent his life ministering to slaves arriving from Africa in the most dreadful condition. Peter referred to himself as ‘servant of the slaves’ and continued his ministry until his death in 1654.

St Ambrose Barlow (Tuesday) : A Manchester-born martyr whose birth in 1585 occurred at the still-standing Barlow Hall in Chorlton-cum-Hardy, he studied for the priesthood at Douai in France and in Spain at Valladolid. After becoming a Benedictine, he returned to Manchester to work for the many Catholics of the region. He was especially famed for his preaching and care for the poor, often walking long distances to fulfil his ministry. Ambrose Barlow was arrested and imprisoned at least four times before his final capture and execution in Lancaster in 1641. The saint’s skull is preserved at Wardley Hall and his jawbone at St Ambrose’s Church, Chorlton-cum-Hardy.

St John Chrysostom (Friday) : Born in Antioch in 349, John became Bishop of Constantinople in 397 but faced opposition from the Empress among others because of his steadfast and influential preaching which earned him the name ‘Chrysostom’ or ‘golden-mouthed’. He died in exile in 407 and is honoured as one of the four Greek doctors of the Church..

The Exaltation of the Holy Cross (Saturday) : This great feast commemorates the recovery of the relic of the True Cross by the Roman emperor Heraclius after it had been captured by the Persians. But most importantly the feast celebrates the Cross itself, the instrument of our salvation. It is in many ways an extension of Good Friday. The Cross is a powerful sign of God’s love for us – a love stronger than death – and also a daily reality in our lives; it is the true path to holiness. We recall the words of Jesus himself: ‘Take up your cross and follow me.’

ANNIVERSARIES : Mary Turner, Marie Wyatt, Roland Anderton, Vincent Goggins, Mary Winter, Pauline Hamer, William Whipp, Margaret Angelina Heaney, Cornelius Patrick Neville, Judith Rawes, David Calvert, Walter Whiteside, Edward Donnelly, Richard Bailey, Edward Stuart Murray, Gordon Taylor, all who lost their lives in the 9/11 massacre in the United States of America. May they rest in peace.
We pray also for Margaret Cumpstey who has died recently and whose Requiem Mass will be offered at St. Anne’s on Wednesday at 11.30 a.m.

COLLECTIONS : Offertory £496.80 (Sacred Heart £382.75; St Anne’s £114.15). Parish Pound (SH) £120.00. Many thanks for your generous support of the parish.

SACRAMENTAL PROGRAMME : Any parents who would like their child to make their First Holy Communion at Sacred Heart next year should contact either Fr Jim or Mary Mooney (tel. 07780 990945) as soon as is convenient. Your child must be in Year 3 (or higher) and aged 8 or above in this new school year. The new preparatory sessions will commence in early October with the Sacrament of Holy Communion celebrated in June 2025.

Children who attend St Anne’s School will be contacted by the school during the current year. Confirmation is now under the direction of the Bishop of Salford and we will inform you when any dates or further information become known to Fr Jim.

CAFOD : A forward-planning date for your diaries : Friday, 4th October is Harvest Fast-Day. CAFOD relies heavily on the income from its two fast-days in the year to support vital work with the most vulnerable communities across the world. Our generosity enables CAFOD to carry out like-transforming work overseas.

From the Sacred Heart coin-jar £47.00 has been sent to CAFOD. Many thanks for all contributions.

MISSION TODAY’ Autumn 2024 Edition : The ‘Missio’ newsletter is now available at the back of both churches. This edition focuses especially on the celebration of World Mission Sunday in October. If anyone has a red box which requires emptying, could they please count the contents and place the money, together with name and address, I an envelope and hand it in to Fr Jim or to a steward on entering the church ? Alternatively, if you need your box collecting, please contact Mary Mooney on 07780 990945. Last year we raised the wonderful total of £642 through the red boxes, including individuals donating directly. Many thanks for your generous support.

PARISH LUNCH : It’s back! The September lunch will be served on Thursday, 19th in the Parish Room from 12.30 p.m. The list for names is now on the notice-board; alternatively simply phone 580443 to book your place.

KNIT ‘N’ NATTER group will meet in the Parish Room tomorrow (Monday) afternoon from 2 o’clock.

MACMILLAN COFFEE & TEA AFTERNOON : Saturday 28th September in the Parish Room from 2 – 4.30 p.m. Many thanks to all who have already promised their support, especially to our renowned home-bakers and others who have signed up to supply scones, cakes and biscuits. Coffee, tea, cold drinks, cake (lots of it!) and scones will be available throughout the afternoon. The list for names of attendees and suppliers has been extended due to demand and remains on the notice-board awaiting further signatures. If you have not already committed yourself and are able to help in any way, please add your name(s) as soon as possible. Last year’s event raised an amazing £647 and with your renewed backing we hope to come close to matching that total this time. Tombola prizes are also required. Could you perhaps find something suitable to donate?

AND FINALLY….. Congratulations to Barbara, our long-serving parish kitchen operations lead, whose ‘Mary Berry-esque’ marmalade loaf-cake won first prize at last Sunday’s Mellor Village Show. You never know, you might be able to taste a replica at the upcoming Macmillan afternoon event.