Walsingham “Live” and Service Times
Please click here to visit the Walsingham live stream website then scroll down past the schedule of services to the video screen and click the triangle icon in the centre to view the Mass/service there.
We no longer embed the youtube livestream video due to the complexities of keeping the feed current and the fact that the streams were increasingly being prefixed by you tube adverts which was thought inappropriate
Salford 2024 Pilgrimage to Walsingham 4th May
Salford 2023 Pilgrimage to Walsingham 19/20th May

Bishop John puts trust, hope, and mission at the heart of his Walsingham homily as more than 500 pilgrims from across our diocese gathered at Our Lady’s shrine on 20th May 2023
Read more at https://www.dioceseofsalford.org.uk/walsingham-homily-2023/
Walsingham Pilgrimage 2023

On Friday, 19th May three parishioners joined the annual Salford Diocese Pilgrimage to Norfolk to the shrine of Our Lady in Walsingham.
Despite the long cross-country journey we arrived in time to enjoy the afternoon sunshine, as we visited the beautiful church and grounds of the Anglican shrine. After a very substantial evening meal, there was a Holy Hour with beautiful hymns (several of them unknown to us) and after the closing Benediction we joined a torchlight procession round the village of Walsingham, ending at Our Lady’s grotto in the gardens of Elmham House.After a free Saturday morning, we assembled at 1.00 p.m. together with day-pilgrims who had now arrived. About 500 people joined Bishop John and diocesan priests. The statue of Mary was crowned and then we all set off in procession to walk the Holy Mile to the Catholic shrine.The route follows the old railway-track and is beautiful, with either side of the path full of wild flowers, and with wonderful views of the Norfolk countryside beyond.
Once at the Slipper Chapel we had time to look round before gathering at 4 p.m. for the Pilgrims’ Mass. The weather was perfect, so the glass-doors behind the altar were opened and we were able to sit outside for Mass. Afterwards it was time to board the coaches for the journey home.
It had been a wonderful couple of days in this holy and peaceful place – ‘England’s Nazareth’.
(Report by Dorothy Mortiboy)
The Rededication of England as the Dowry of Mary Mass on 20th March 2020
Basic (very) Instructions on viewing YouTube videos
- To commence watching click on or tap (depending on whether you are using a mouse or have a touchscreen ie smartphone ipad etc) on the triangle image either in the centre of the video screen or in the bottom left corner of it.
- To stop it tap or click anywhere in the video screen and/or on the image in the bottom left hand corner of the video screen (if that image is a triangle then your video playback should already be stopped or paused).
- To fill your entire screen with the video click on or tap the the small image of “4 corners of a square” in the bottom right of the video screen.
- To return the video screen back to normal size tap or click the screen and the same button in the bottom right corner
- If there is no sound and the video is running check that the speaker image (next to the triangle in the bottom left corner) does not have a diagonal line through it, if it does click or tap on the button and it should solve the problem
By all means experiment, don’t worry, you can’t break anything
Any suggestions for improvements, problems or anything you think the parish website could benefit from I would love to hear from you via the contact form below
.…. Brian