Gaudete Sunday, Third of Advent, 15th December 2024
TODAY is designated ‘Gaudete Sunday’. We are encouraged to lighten the solemn mood of Advent and rejoice (‘gaudete’) at the imminent birth of the infant Saviour. To mark the occasion, the rose-coloured candle in the Advent wreath is lit today.
NEXT SUNDAY we have our Parish Carol Service at Sacred Heart at 3 p.m. We will again be welcoming the school choir from St Anne’s. Mulled wine, tea / coffee, soft drinks and mince pies will be served afterwards in the Parish Room. Please come and join us if you can.
‘THOMAS’ Carol Service at Sacred Heart on Wednesday this week, 18th December, at 2.30 p.m. followed by refreshments in the Parish Room. All welcome.
ADVENT RECONCILIATION SERVICE on Wednesday evening this week at Sacred Heart at 7.30.
CHRISTMAS MASSES : Christmas Eve : St Anne’s at 5.30 p.m. and at Sacred Heart 6.30 p.m. & Midnight Mass. Christmas Day mass will be at Sacred Heart at 10.30 a.m. Please note the earlier time of the First Mass of Christmas at St Anne’s.
Monday, 16th December : 12 noon
Tuesday, 17th December : NO MASS
Wednesday, 18th December : 12 noon
Thursday, 19th December : 12 noon
Friday, 20th December : Requiem Mass (Sheila Townsley) 10.00 a.m. NO MIDDAY MASS
Saturday, 21st December 11.00 a.m. & 6.15 p.m. (Sunday Vigil)
Sunday, 22nd December : Fourth of Advent 10.30 & 12.30 (St. Anne)
OBITUARIES : It was with great sadness that we learned of the death last Saturday of Sheila Townsley, for many years the greatly-valued leader of the choir at Sacred Heart. Sheila had been in failing health for some months. We offer our sympathy and the assurance of our prayers to her devoted carer Denis, to her sister Kathleen, daughters Anne-Marie and Alison and all the wider family at this very sad time. Sheila’s requiem mass will be celebrated at Sacred Heart on Friday this week at 10.00 a.m.
We have also been informed of the death of Anita Monk who regularly attended Sacred Heart Church and social events until the onset of ill-health. Our sympathy goes to her husband Allan, daughter Justine and the family in their sad loss. Anita’s funeral service will be at Pleasington Crematorium on Friday 3rd January at 12 noon. May Sheila and Anita now rest in the peace of the risen Lord.
We pray also for Paul Almond, a former THOMAS client, who has died recently.
ANNIVERSARIES : Annette Anthony (2023), Agnes Etherington, Nicholas Houghton, Mary Sutcliffe, James Edward Carr, Elsie Marr, Jane Butterworth, Bridie O’Keefe, John Broderick, Sheila Horner, Jimmy Iddon, Elsie Turner, Denis Houghton, Fr. Peter Knowles, Alison Tupper, Romanus A. Tetan, Mary Courtney, Rose Hodson, Margaret Henderson, Holly Read, Bridie Gallagher, Edgar Charnley Rita Zwaap Ter Haar, Danny McDermott (2023). May they rest in peace.
COLLECTIONS : Offertory £391.40 (Sacred Heart £291.55; St Anne’s £99.85). Parish Pound (SH) £121.50. Many thanks.
THE CHRISTMAS TREE erected at Sacred Heart is a beautiful specimen but involved many hours’ work on Wednesday afternoon and evening and the efforts of the team who put it in place and decorated it deserve our grateful thanks and praise for a job so very well done.
FOODBANK (Advent Collection) : There are a number of ways to donate to the foodbank : via the blue bags in the church; put goods in the designated areas in supermarkets; use the ‘Bank the food’ app while you shop; make an online shopping-order with your supermarket and have it delivered direct to Blackburn Foodbank; or give as you shop with one of Trussell Trust’s online partners at no extra cost. Another thought: send out e-cards which are cheaper, greener and instantly delivered – then donate the cost of cards and stamps to Trussell Trust by using ‘’ Currently the most urgently needed items at the local foodbank are tinned soup, vegetarian and vegan foods, shampoo, body-wash and deodorants. Please remember that the foodbank does not collect toys.
CAFOD WORLD GIFTS are a range of virtual and physical charity gifts which will delight the recipients and help to transform the lives of families and communities living in poverty. You receive a beautifully illustrated card of your chosen gift, together with a presentation gift-envelope which explains how your gift helps those in poverty. Catalogues are available on the tables in the church.
PARISH LUNCH : The company enjoyed an excellent festive buffet on Thursday. Although Diane’s outside catering was employed, there was still much work to do in setting up and clearing away afterwards and we thank all who rallied round to help ensure the smooth running of the event.
‘TWELFTH-NIGHT’ PARTY : Numbers for this event in the Parish Room on Saturday, 4th January have been growing steadily in the past fortnight – but we would welcome still more support for what is always a great night-out. Welcome drinks will be served from 7.15 p.m. and a two-course hot meal will follow. The cabaret will once again feature Anna, ‘The Golden-Age Songbird’, a great favourite among our clientele. If you haven’t been before to our festive-season finale, why not make it a New Year’s resolution to come and join us? The list for names is on the notice-board or you can simply phone 580443 to book you place(s).
‘RAT-PACK’ : Our coach-party enjoyed a highly entertaining evening at the Bridgewater Hall on Wednesday. The hard-working cast led by a most impressive ‘Frank Sinatra’ was supported by a full orchestra and a talented girls’ backing-trio. It was a real pre-Christmas treat.
‘RIPPLE OF HOPE’ : Following the closure of the Christmas Sale at Larmenier, a further £205 has been paid into the savings account, bringing the balance to £5,038.91. Christmas cards are still on sale outside the Larmenier chapel, so a final total will be provided after Christmas. Income during the period of the sale amounted to £1.030 and, with the addition of £62 from pre-sales, the event has realized £1,092 to date. Very many thanks to everyone who supported the sale.
CHRISTMAS QUIZ : There is still time to add further support to our parish ‘Ripple of Hope’ Zambia projects by picking up a copy of the Christmas Quiz. Entry is just £1.00 and the first all-correct (or best) attempt opened after mass next Sunday, 22nd December will win £10.00. Why not pick up a copy from the table at the back of the church today and have a go?
CANDLES & CAROLS around the town crib at 3 p.m. next Saturday, 21st December organized by the Legion of Mary, who invite you to join them and take thirty minutes out of the Christmas rush to remember the birth of Jesus and to pray for peace in our world. The market-hall entrance in Church Street is the best one to use.
TREFOIL GUILD SINGERS invite you to their Christmas sing-a-long in the Parish Room on Tuesday evening this week at 7.30. Refreshments adterwards. Donations to ‘Nightsafe’.