The Risen Christ invites each of us to experience the radiance of His light. This is not meant to be a solitary endeavour but a transformative experience that naturally compels individuals to share it with others.

In the simplest of ways, sharing that light means embodying the love, compassion, and forgiveness that Christ exemplified. It’s about extending kindness to others, helping those in need, and offering encouragement and support. It’s in our smiles, gestures of understanding, and willingness to listen with empathy. Sharing the light of Christ means being a beacon of hope and positivity in a world that often feels dark and troubled. It’s about living authentically and reflecting Christ’s teachings through our actions so that others may see His light shining through us and be inspired to do the same.

I sincerely thank all who prayed for me during my recent injury and Father Paul for all his support to the Parish.

Happy Easter

Fr Jim

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