Dear Parishioners
On this First Sunday of Lent, we resolve to be open to prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. We will add the work of our hands to the inheritance of the Christian pilgrims; down the centuries, they touched the lives of others with their kindness, generosity, and understanding. God has given us more than we ever could have deserved – the sacrifice of His Son. We will walk to the inner sanctuary, deep within ourselves, and find the tranquillity and peace to hear the voice of God communicating His message to us through the fullness of the Holy Spirit.
In each of us, there is a desert, a place for contemplation. A movement of God interacting with the human mind, sharing His Life with us. The movement of the individual human life meeting on the sacred ground of the inner soul and looking not at yesterday but moving with the NOW of today, is awesomely liberating as God comes to us in the NOW.
Jesus points us to our desert.
With every blessing for Lent.
Fr Jim